Annette Ries

Annette Ries


Annette was first introduced to "brass banding" at the age of ten when her family were transferred to central Queensland.  Her father, a Bb Bass player, joined the local town band in Clermont, and taught his daughter the rudiments of cornet playing and reading music.

When her family returned to Brisbane, Annette and her father played with several bands including Wynnum Manly Citizens and the SED RSL Band before joining Sunnybank & District Brass Band in the mid 1970's.

Annette was passionate about her "banding" with Sunnybank Brass and eventually became a committee member taking on the roles of secretary, and later, president of the band until 2020.  She was honoured with Life Membership of Sunnybank Brass in 2017.

When the 2006 National Championships (Brisbane) was in its planning stages, Annette volunteered to be on the organising committee.  In 2007, she became secretary of the QBA and continued to work on the 2008 National Championships organising committee.

A passion for community banding led to her becoming the Queensland Councillor of the National Band Council of Australia in 2009, leading to a very active involvement in national championships around the country over the next decade.

Annette accepted the position of President of the Queensland Band Association in 2009 and utilised her extensive knowledge of national championships to become Contest Administrator for the 2014 and 2019 National Championships held in Brisbane.




01 January 2020



Queensland Band Association

ABN: 60 795 850 027

Patron: Her Excellency the Honourable Dr Jeannette Young PSM


   PO Box 8262 Sunnybank QLD 4109

Queensland Banding


The QBA is affiliated with the National Band Council of Australia (NBCA).