National and State Associations

We enjoy strong relationships with the National Band Council of Australia, as well as our fellow State banding bodies. 

Australia (National)

National Band Council of Australia (Facebook)

National Band Championships

Responsibility for the National Band Championships passes between state bodies, but the same website is used each year. National Band Championships Website

New South Wales

Band Assocation of NSW (Facebook)


Victorian Bands' League (Facebook)

South Australia

South Australian Band Association (Facebook)

Western Australia

Western Australia Band Association (Facebook)


Tasmanian Bands League Inc. (Facebook)




Queensland Band Association

ABN: 60 795 850 027

Patron: Her Excellency the Honourable Dr Jeannette Young PSM


   PO Box 8262 Sunnybank QLD 4109

Queensland Banding


The QBA is affiliated with the National Band Council of Australia (NBCA).